Distributed Leadership
The model of distributed leadership continued on from its inception in 2014 and continues to be the ultimate school improvement strategy. The identification of high impact teachers within and outside of classrooms provides continual support for staff at all stages of their career. Importantly, this model aims to reduce the variability between classrooms. In-class coaching, goal setting and feedback strengthens teaching practice and improves the shared understanding of “what good looks like”.
The extended leadership team commenced the 2022 school year early, with an overnight stay at The Trade Winds followed by a rigorous day of learning about self, facilitated by Ben Calleja. The internal leadership development programme continued throughout the year to build on understanding of self and extended to leading others, developing strategies for building trust, developing a shared understanding of effective Professional Learning Communities and giving and receiving feedback. A couple of unanticipated staffing changes early in the year interrupted our ability to provide the intensity of support that we pride ourselves on, and adjustments were needed to respond to the staffing challenges. The role of Impact Coaches and Behaviour Coaches were merged as we focussed on Engagement being the role of all Impact Coaches, without the previous delineation between instructional practice and behaviour management.
LEAD Teachers Pre K – Denise Bujalka, , PP – Jessica King, Yr 1- Kelly Plunkett, Yr 2 – Katrina Millard-Hurst, Yr 3 – Kate Johnson, Yr 4 – Bec Bernstein, Yr 5 – Andrew McLoughlin, Year 6 - Olivia Hall, Specialists – Radha Bhaskaran.
Impact Coaches Kindy, PP– Jacqui Rownes, , Yr 1-Kelly Plunkett, Yr 2 – Katherine Dunmill, Yr 3+4 – Enda Nolan, Yr 5+6 – Zoei Nixon, Specialists – Deborah Robinson
Part of the leadership development programme focuses specifically on developing opportunities for Level 3 Classroom Teacher aspirants, including the identification of aspirants and providing support at every stage of the L3CRT process. In 2022, we were very proud of Mr Enda Nolan who achieved Level 3 status.
Student Leadership programme 2022 Lead by Ms Mel Baeli (Yr 5/6 Impact Coach), eight elected Student Councillors were supported to develop their leadership skills through multiple opportunities throughout the year. As the representatives of the student voice, the Student Councillors attended and addressed the School Board to report back on school activities, focus areas and challenges. The Councillors identified areas for improvement, researched solutions, worked with office staff to investigate costs and saw each project through to completion. An example of them using their voice to lead change is the installation of a new bike rack system, located in a more secure area of the school. The Councillors attended the Dare to Lead Conference (remotely due to COVID), represented the school at the Remembrance Memorial, lead each assembly, welcomed special guests to the school and, importantly attended the induction for new teachers on a Saturday morning.
Rising Stars programme Again, planned and lead by Mr Andrew McLoughlin, aspirant L3CRT, this comprehensive induction programme provided thorough information, coaching, modelling and professional learning about what to teach and how to teach it for all new teachers to Challis. Commencing at the end of the previous year, the induction programme continued prior to school starting in 2022 and then at well spaced intervals throughout the year. Whilst the programme has structured topics to be taught to all new staff, it is highly responsive to the feedback of participants and can be individualised when requested. The induction programme is part of the quality teaching strategy and also strongly supports the well being of new staff.
System Leadership Our Executive Team supported Meadow Springs PS in their school improvement journey through the Fogarty EDVance Programme. Additionally, Newly Appointed Principals were supported as were Aspirant Principals. The Executive Team was interviewed late in the year for a podcast edition of Education Reading Research Room (ERRR) by Ollie Lovell. The podcast is to be aired early 2023.
© Challis Community Primary School