Summary 2022
Covid has had a significant effect on our attendance in 2022. Our Regular attendance (90% or greater) has dropped down to 39.3% in Semester 1 and 58.4% in Semester 2. It is usually 70%
Whole school attendance in term 3 was 88.16%, Which is 4% lower than our average in 2021.
Semester 1 whole school was only 83.33%. This would equate to the average student being absent for 17 days in Semester 1 and 6 days in term 3. That is a total of 23 days absent.
73 students have achieved 100% attendance rate in Semester 2
Aboriginal attendance was 82.09% in Semester 2 and was only 74.58% in Semester 1.
Hopefully as the pandemic passes we will return back to our usual attendance rates.
Strategies 2023
All students with an attendance rate below 90% will be contacted by a Deputy. Attendance case conferences will be established with students whose attendance is below 80%.
Regular home visits by our Family Support Officer and AIEO’s. Individual and Class Attendance rewards will be established. Attendance certificates to be handed out for students over 95% each Semester. Letters sent home every 5 weeks reminding parents about attendance.
Breakfast Club
Regular phone calls and emails by class teacher.
Attendance raffle at the end of the year for all students with attendance above 95%
Targets 2022
To increase attendance to 72% in the regular attendance category.
Increase Aboriginal attendance to 68% in the Regular category.
Increase Aboriginal average attendance to 85%
Increase Year P-4 attendance rate to 92%.
Increase average attendance to 92%
© Challis Community Primary School