Our STRIVE classroom (J11), co-ordinated by one teacher and three allied professionals has catered for 10 students during 2022. STRIVE continues to cater for the individual needs of all students by providing flexible structures and specialist programs in English, mathematics, functional skills and working closely with outside agencies and therapists. Student inclusion into STRIVE is subject to regular review and monitoring of progress and achievement, ensuring flexible curriculum adjustments meet student needs. Most students have a diagnosed disability, which is the primary basis for inclusion into STRIVE. The broad range of disabilities supported by STRIVE include autism spectrum disorders, genetic, neurological and behavioural disorders.
Students attending our STRIVE classroom are provided with a comprehensive and balanced curriculum focused on each student’s needs with a program that addresses their academic, functional and social needs. The curriculum is supported by individual education plans that address the Western Australian Curriculum, including ABLEWA. Our highly knowledgeable and experienced STRIVE staff have provided outreach coaching and support to our mainstream partner classrooms ensuring all students at Challis Community PS diagnosed with a disability experience success in their learning, both academically and socially.
The following Programs were incorporated into our 2022 STRIVE Learning Program to support student learning and allow students access to the curriculum by providing additional support:
Colourful Semantics
Bond Blocks
Social Thinking
Protective Behaviours
Our STRIVE classroom environment is designed to meet each child’s individual need by providing predictability and routine and communication support. Our STRIVE staff work together as a team using TCIS and PBS strategies to provide support for students experiencing self-regulation and social-emotional challenges.
At the beginning of each year our classroom teachers undertake a number of comprehensive assessments of student strengths and weaknesses. From these assessments, teachers identify the curriculum aspects to included in each students Individual Education Plan. Teachers then develop IEPs for each student linked specifically to the Western Australian Curriculum, SEN Planning ABLEWA Descriptors and each student’s needs in consultation with parents, carers. The plan includes a curriculum aspect, goals, strategies and targets for each semester. These goals and targets are used to determine each student’s success. Success is dependent on several variables including:
good health, well-determined and achievable outcomes, sound attendance and appropriate engagement in the learning process.
The National Consistent Collection of Data process took place in Term 2. It determines which students are receiving adjustments that support to access the curriculum due to disability, consistent with definitions and obligations under the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (DDA) and Disability Standards for Education 2005 (the Standards).
The National Consistent Collection of Data process took place in Term 2. It determines which students are receiving adjustments that support to access the curriculum due to disability, consistent with definitions and obligations under the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (DDA) and Disability Standards for Education 2005 (the Standards).
n 2022, an extensive whole school NCCD process was conducted. It identified students receiving supplementary and substantial adjustments to the curriculum through:
smaller classroom numbers, access to additional support staff, inclusion in specialised learning programs and access to specialised behaviour support.
Allied Professionals
In 2022 our Student Services Team developed and implemented purposeful professional for our allied professional team with learning focused on a team approach embedding high quality teaching to support students with additional needs. This approach has incorporated high expectations and curriculum differentiation which has seen more students experience success in their learning, both academically and socially.
An extensive review of Student Services procedures and practices was undertaken during 2022. This resulted in a comprehensive handbook being established that will support whole school consistent practices into the future.
2022 has also seen the development of an Allied Professional Feedback and Observation form. It has been initially trialled in STRIVE providing targeted feedback to allied professionals on a range of effective teaching practices and resulting in focused reflective routines.
© Challis Community Primary School