Challis Parenting and Early Learning Centre
Extended School Services Forum vodcast coming soon
Services for 0-3 years
Challis Parenting and Early Learning Centre
It is widely acknowledged that the first 3 years of a childs life are the most crucial. In this period of time the pathways for future learning, health, and social/emotional well being develops. It is vital that every child within this age range is given the absolute best start to their learning and this is done through the secure attachment to parents/carers, consistent and stable parenting, an abundance of love, care, play, literacy and good nutrition.
Parents/carers are their childs first and best teachers and are therefore the most significant people in giving children the best start to their learning. At Challis we recognise that parenting is the most important (and possibly hardest) job that adults can do. Our Parenting & Early learning Centre on school premises will help and support parents in this very important role.
The vision for the Challis Parenting and Early Learning Centre is that children residing within the Challis Schools boundary will enter school with the health and developmental readiness to become proficient in literacy and social competency, leading to a positive pathway of optimal social and emotional well being, physical health and success at school
They will develop skills to be self determining, participating and contributing members to society while being supported by families, carers and a community that builds protective factors to nurture young children to flourish, free from disadvantage and social inequity.
© Challis Community Primary School