Challis Community Primary School has Qkr! as the preferred online payment system for parents to pay for excursions, and contributions and charges etc. Qkr! pronounced ‘quicker’ is a convenient and secure system for giving your permission and paying for events. Qkr is a Mastercard product and comes with all of their security.
Qkr can be used on smartphones, ipads, tablets, laptops and desktop computers.
Qkr! is a free app. After registering your email address you will need to select our school and follow the prompts.
The office will receive a generated report detailing your school payments.
Should you have any questions regarding the use of Qkr! app, please contact the office.
Make Payments Via Smartphones, iPads or Tablets
Step 1. Download the app Qkr! By Mastercard for Apple or Android.
Step 2. Select Australia as Country of Residence
Step 3. Find our School – Challis Community Primary School
Step 4. Follow the prompts to set up your account.